Large piece of residential land with direct road access at Zakaki walking distance to the Casino
For Sale / EUR 2.600.000
or +357 95598488
Large development land, walking distance from the Casino.
The huge advantage of this land is that it has direct road access and can be immediately developed unlike many other parcels in the area that might have problem with access.
The building zone is Ka5 which is 100% build, 50% cover and maximum of 3 floors with no more than 13.5 meters height.
The size is 3645 but another road is scheduled to be built on its North side, so the land will have road frontage from 2 sides. The clear land that will remain after the deduction from the 3645m2 for the construction of the public road, will be 3000m2 but the building co-efficient will be allowed on around 3400m2. The square meters given to the public are not lost in building co-efficient and are credited to the owner of the land.
This land is ideal for a unified development of 4 or 5 block of flats.
To arrange an appointment to view this and any other property from our website, please call or email us directly.
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